INQUA-SEQS 2025 Meeting in cooperation with SQS and IQUAME: “Quaternary stratigraphy and Quaternary maps as a base to understand the environment of mankind” (16.09-21.09.2025, Vienna, Austria)
Dear friends and colleagues,
SEQS (Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy) is a Group of Quaternary Scientists within INQUA that has been active since the 80s of the last century.
Europe is the cradle of western oriented Quaternary science and has a long history in geological mapping and scientific investigations of Quaternary marine and continental sedimentary successions. This tradition needs further scientific collaboration and correlation, connecting scientific communities and researchers from different Regions of Europe, involving and funding Early Career Scientists and DCRs’ Scientists to participate to the proposed activities.
For these reasons SEQS applied for the 2023–2027 Inter-Congress Period with a Project entitled: “EQ – European Correlation of Quaternary Stages Boundaries” that has been funded by INQUA (Project EQ 2444).
In the framework of this project the SEQS 2025 Meeting will take place in Austria (Vienna) from the 16th to the 21nd of September, including 2 days of indoor meeting (oral and posters presentations) and 3 days Excursion with Bus focused on “Quaternary stratigraphy and Quaternary maps as a base to understand the environment of mankind”.
The SEQS’ Board is glad to invite anyone interested in to join the Meeting highlighting that the Project EQ 2444 provides the possibility for financial support for travel-accommodation and registration costs to the Meeting, primarily meant for PhD students, Early Career Researcher (ECR, less than 8 years PhD) and DCRs Researchers.
Attached the pre-registration form with the preliminary program.
Please return this pre-registration form until 31 March 2025 to
For detailes – please see
First Circular (Updated)
31 March 2025: Preliminary registration form INQUA-SEQS meeting 2025 in Vienna (Austria). Application for INQUA funding as early career scientist (ECR) and participant from low GDP countries (GDP).
End of March 2025: Second circular with meeting and payment details and information about an intended special issue in Quaternary International.
Some information about …
Meeting place: BOKU University (Ilse Wallentin Haus, SR 29, 1190 Vienna, Austria)
Hotel suggestions in Vienna (many other available in town): (Single room about 100 Euros) (Single room less 100 €)
Previous Meetings
List of the SEQS Conferences | ||||||||
Year | Date | Place | Country | Conference title | Organizing Committee | Number of talks (Oral + posters) | Number of participants | Notes |
1989 | ||||||||
1990 | ||||||||
1991 | XIII INQUA Congress | |||||||
1992 | ||||||||
1993 | ||||||||
1994 | ||||||||
1995 | Berlin | Germany | XIV INQUA Congress | |||||
1996 | 16-21 June | Kerkrade | The Netherlands | The Dawn of the Quaternary | Dr. Thijs van Kolfschoten | 96 | 160 | |
1997 | ||||||||
1998 | 6-11 September | Kerkrade | The Netherlands | The Eemian: Local sequences, global perspectives | Dr. Thijs van Kolfschoten | 93 | 160 | |
1999 | Durban | South Africa | Conveners: Prof. T. Van Kolfschoten, M. Coltorti | XV INQUA Congress | ||||
2000 | 25-29 September | Bari | Italy | The Plio-Pleistocene Boundary and the Lower/Middle Pleistocene transition: Type areas and sections | Dr. N. Ciaranfi, M.B. Cita, M. Coltorti, M.Marino, F. Massari, L. Rook, D. Rio | 43 | 130 | |
2001 | 9-14 September | Kiev | Ukraine | The Ukraine Quaternary Explored: the Middle and Upper Pleistocene of the Middle Dnieper Area and its importance for the East-West European correlation | Dr. N. Gerasimenko, P. Gozhik, | 88 | 150 | |
2002 | 30 June – 7 July | Ufa | Russia | Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Southern Urals Region and its significance for correlation of the Eastern and western parts of Europe | Dr. G. Danukalova, A. Yakovlev, E.Osipova, L. Belan, V. Puchkov | 61 | 89 | |
2003 | 23 - 30 July | Reno | USA | Shaping the Earth: A Quaternary Perspective | Conveners: Prof. T. Van Kolfschoten, M. Coltorti | XVI INQUA Congress | ||
2004 | 9-11 September | Florence | Italy | Pleistocene chronostratigraphic subdivisions and stratigraphic boundaries in the mammal record | Conveners: Dr. M. Coltorti, | |||
Dr. P. Pieruccini | ||||||||
2005 | 4-9 September | Bern | Switzerland | The Quaternary Record of Switzerland | Dr. F. Preusser, Ch. Schl?chter, M. Coltorty, W. Westerhoff | 38 | 113 | |
2006 | 11-15 September | Milano | Italy | Quaternary Stratigraphy and Evolution of the Alpine Region in the European and Global Framework | Dr. C. Ravazzi, R. Pini, M. Cremaschi, F.Ferraro, G.Muttoni, G.Orombelli, D.Sciunnach, M.Peresani, M.Coltorti, M.Fiebig | 77 | 132 | |
2007 | 28 July – 3 August | Cairns | Australia | “The tropics: heat engine of the quaternary”. | Conveners: Prof. T. Van Kolfschoten, M. Coltorti | XVII INQUA Congress | ||
2008 | 22-27 September | Rennes | France | Differences and similarities in Quaternary Stratigraphy between Atlantic and continental Europe | Dr. J.-P. Lefort, J.-L. Monnier, G. Danukalova | 41 | 126 | |
2009 | 28 September – 3 October | Orce&Lucena | Spain | The Quaternary of Southern Spain: a bridge between Africa and the Alpine domain | Dr. B.Martinez-Navarro, I.Toro Moyano, P.Palmqvist, J.Agusti | 53 | 130 | |
2010 | 21-26 June | Rostov-on-Don | Russia | Quaternary stratigraphy and paleontology of the Southern Russia: connections between Europe, Africa and Asia | Dr. V. Titov, A. Tesakov | 90 | 173 | |
2011 | 21-27 July | Bern | Switzerland | Quaternary sciences – the view from the mountains. | Conveners: Prof. M. Coltorti, Dr. W. Westerhoff | 32 | 32 | XVIII INQUA Congress |
Session 103 pan-European correlations in Quaternary stratigraphy | ||||||||
2012 | 26-30 September | Sassari, Sardinia | Italy | At the edge of the sea: sediments, geomorphology, tectonics, and stratigraphy in Quaternary studies | Prof. V. Pascucci, M. Coltorti, A. Stefano, P.Pieruccini, S. Laura | 58 | 147 | |
2013 | 23-27 September | Constanta | Romania | Correlations of Quaternary fluvial, | Dr. S. Rădan, S.-C. Rădan, C. Vasiliu | 24 | 65 | |
eolian, deltaic and marine sequences | ||||||||
2014 | 10-16 September | Ekaterinburg | Russia | The Quaternary of the Urals: global trends and Pan-European Quaternary | Dr. A. Borodin, E. Markova, T. Strukova | 82 | 229 | |
records | ||||||||
2015 | 26 July – 2 August | Nagoya | Japan | Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization. Session S03: Progress in European Quaternary stratigraphy | Conveners: Dr. W. Westerhoff , G. Danukalova, M. Fiebig | 14 | 14 | XIX INQUA Congress |
2016 | 3-10 September | Erevan | Armenia | Bridging Europe and Asia: Quaternary stratigraphy and Paleolithic human occupation in Armenia and Southern Georgia | Dr. Kh. Meliksetian, B. Gasparyan, D. Arakelyan, M. Fiebig | 36 | 43 | |
2017 | 10-16 September | Tautavel | France | Quaternary stratigraphy and hominids around Europe: | Dr. V. Celiberti, M. Calvet, M. Delmas, Th. Saos, S. Gr?goire, A.M. Moigne, Ch. Perrenoud | 37 | 122 | |
Tautavel (Eastern Pyrenees) | ||||||||
2018 | 11-17 September | Postojna | Slovenia | Quaternary Stratigraphy and Karst & Cave Sediments | Andrej Mihevc, Markus Fiebig, Nadja Zupan Hajna, Petra Jamšek Rupnik | 55 | 143 | |
2019 | 25-31 July | Dublin | Ireland | The Quaternary of Europe: Stratigraphical perspectives and tools for correlations | Markus Fiebig, Guzel Danukalova, Pierluigi Pieruccini | 28 | ⁓100 | XX INQUA Congress |
2020 | 28 September | Wrocław | Poland | "Quaternary Stratigraphy – palaeoenvironment, sediments, palaeofauna and human migrations across Central Europe” dedicated to the 70th birthday anniversary of prof. AdamNadachowski | Prof. Krzysztof Stefaniak – leader of the organizers | 70 | 83 | Virtual |
2021 | 13 December | Wrocław | Poland | Quaternary Stratigraphy – palaeoenvironment and humans in Europe | Prof. Krzysztof Stefaniak – leader of the organizers | 71 | 93 | Virtual |
2021 | 4 February 12 March 14 May 10 September 15 October 12 November | Series of virtual talks | SEQS | “Early Middle Pleistocene environments and stratigraphy: an SEQS project” | Markus Fiebig, Thijs van Kolfschoten and Philip Gibbard | 23 | 50-60 | Virtual |
2022 | Postponed | East European Palaeolithic Belt | Russia | East European Palaeolithic Sequences: Stratigraphy, Geomorhology, Chronology, Palaeoenvironment | Dr Natalia Zaretskaya – leader of the organizers | Postponed | ||
2023 | 13-20 July | Roma | Italy | ”Time for Change" Session 52 ' "Eurasia, one continent one common past: cross-continental stratigraphical correlations" | Pierluigi Pieruccini, Markus Fiebig, Guzel Danukalova | 13 | ⁓50 | XXI INQUA Congress |
2023 | 13-20 July | Roma | Italy | ”Time for Change" Session 105 ' "Quaternary mapping across the world and the IQUAME European experience" | Kristine Asch, Pierluigi Pieruccini, Luca Guerrieri and Marco Pantaloni | 7 | ⁓30 | XXI INQUA Congress |
2024 | 28 September - 2 October | Gavorrano, Southern Tuscany | Italy | Quaternary stratigraphy and terrestrial carbonates: climate, tectonic and humans driven landscape changes | Adele Bertini and Enrico Capezzuoli, Alessandra Casini, Andrea Brogi, Massimiliano Ghinassi, Pierluigi Pieruccini and Davide Susini, Markus Fiebig, Guzel Danukalova | 21 | 85 | |
2025 | 16-21 September | Vienna | Austria | Quaternary stratigraphy and Quaternary maps as a base to understand the environment of mankind | Markus Fiebig (Board SEQS), Pierluigi Pieruccini (Board SEQS), Eva Mencin Gale (Board SEQS), Guzel Danukalova (Board SEQS), Adele Bertini (Chair SQS), Kristine Asch (Chair IQUAME) |
INQUA-SEQS 2024 Meeting: “Quaternary stratigraphy and terrestrial carbonates: climate, tectonic and humans driven landscape changes”
(28.09-2.10.2024, Gavorrano, Southern Tuscany, Italy)
Dear friends and colleagues,
SEQS (Section n European Quaternary Stratigraphy) is a Group of Quaternary Scientists within INQUA that has been active since the 80s of the last century.
Europe is the cradle of western oriented Quaternary science and has a long history in geological mapping and scientific investigations of Quaternary marine and continental sedimentary successions. This tradition needs further scientific collaboration and correlation, connecting scientific communities and researchers from different Regions of Europe, involving and funding Early Career Scientists and DCRs’ Scientists to participate to the proposed activities.
For these reasons SEQS applied for the 2023-2027 Inter-Congress Period with a Project entitled: “EQ – European Correlation of Quaternary Stages Boundaries” that has been funded by INQUA (Project EQ 2444).
In the framework of this project the SEQS 2024 Meeting will take place in Italy (Gavorrano, Tuscany, UNESCO Geopark) from the 28th of September to the 2nd of October, including 2 days of indoor meeting (oral and posters presentations) and 3 days Fieldtrip around Southern Tuscany focused on “Quaternary stratigraphy and terrestrial carbonates: climate, tectonic and humans driven landscape changes”.
The SEQS’ Board is glad to invite anyone interested in to join the Meeting highlighting that the Project EQ 2444 provides the possibility for financial support for travel-accommodation and registration costs to the Meeting, primarily meant for PhD students, Early Career Researcher (ECR, less than 8 years PhD) and DCRs Researchers.
Attached the pre-registration form with the preliminary program.
Please return this pre-registration form until 15 February 2024 to
For detailes – please see
First Circular
Second circular
Abstract book
10th June: Deadline for Registration, Grant Request and Abstract Submissions
1st August Deadline for Fees payment. Payment of the conference fees will open before June 2024. All fees include current VAT. The conference fee can be paid with bank transfer only until 15th of August 2024.
Some information about territory
Dear Friends of SEQS,
during halve a century the INQUA Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy (SEQS) joined together a wide community of Quaternary scientists organizing meetings and fieldtrips in several parts of the Eurasian continent. These activities allowed a fruitful exchange of interests, ideas and knowledge about Across-Europe Quaternary Stratigraphy correlations and related Paleoclimate proxies. In the last years the pandemic and lastly the general-political situation did not allowed in-person continuation of the SEQS Meetings although a great effort has been made by our Polish colleagues to organize online meetings in 2020 and 2021.
In July 2023 the INQUA Congress (in Rome) will be as usual a milestone also for our SEQS community where we have to set up future activities, aims and board designations for the following inter-congress period. The current board is strongly convinced that our community should not vanish and that we should do our best to keep together our partnership despite any political issue. For this reason in Rome 2023, a SEQS business meeting will be planned. If you are interested in SEQS activities and plan to take part at the SEQS business meeting in Rome at the INQUA congress please give us now until end of December a short reply to
All the best
SEQS board
will held in Roma, Italy on 13-20 July 2023.
Circular 1
INQUA Congress website
November 1, 2022 – abstract submission deadline
SEQS Board welcomes scientists to submit abstracts to SEQS’ affiliated sessions:
Session 52: Eurasia, one continent one common past: cross-continental stratigraphical correlations.
Session 53: Early Middle Pleistocene environments and stratigraphy.
Session 51: Infill history and formation of glacial overdeepenings as paleoenvironment archives.
Session 105: Quaternary mapping across the world and the IQUAME European experience.
Session 164:Understanding MIS 5d-a: sediments, paleoclimate, chronology and long-distance correlation.
Italian Geological Society and Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrography (SGI-SIMP) Congress (19-21.09.2022, Torino, Italy)
Dear colleagues,
It’s our pleasure to invite you to participate at the joint SGI-SIMP Congress that will take place at Torino (Italy)
Please submit your contribution at the session
Best regards,
The conveners Evdokia Tema and Pierluigi Pieruccini
INQUA-SEQS 2022 Meeting:“East European Palaeolithic sequences: Stratigraphy, Geomorphology, Chronology, Palaeoenvironment” (21-28.08.2022, East European Palaeolithic Belt, Russia)
Dear Colleagues!
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the meeting of Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy, which is planned to be held between 21.08 and 28.08.2022 in the East European Palaeolithic Belt, Russia.
Scientific topics:
– Quaternary stratigraphy, palaeontology geochronology and environmental changes of Europe.
– Geoarchaeology: interaction of geological and historical approaches.
– Tephrostratigraphy across Europe.
– Major regional subdivisions of the Quaternary in European regions: a common data-base (DATESTRA).
January, 2022 – First circular. Registration. We kindly ask to send us the registration forms before March 15.
May 1st, 2022 – deadline for abstracts.
End of May, 2022 – Second circular (with preliminary programme).
July, 2022 – Third circular (with a definitive programme).
INQUA-SEQS 2021 Virtual Meeting:“Quaternary Stratigraphy – palaeoenvironment and humans in Europe” (13.12.2021, Wrocław, Poland)
Scientific topics
1. Karst and Cave sequences – On the occasion of the International Year of Caves and Karst areas.
2. Quaternary stratigraphy, palaeontology, chronology, geomorphology, and tectonics.
3. Humans and environment in the Quaternary – environmental and faunal changes, hominid dispersion in Europe.
4. From hot to cold- interglacial and glacial in Europe.
5. Major regional subdivisions of the Quaternary in European and Asian regions: toward a common data-base (DATESTRA).
Dates and deadlines
16.11.2021 – Start of registration.
30.11.2021 – Deadline for Abstract Submission. After this deadline we cannot accept any more scientific contributions with abstracts.
01.12.2021 – 2nd Circular with a definitive programme.
A link to register form:
Circular 1 Circular_15_11_2021 The SEQS-Conference detailed Program
Meeting gallery
INQUA-SEQS 2020 Virtual Meeting: “Quaternary Stratigraphy – palaeoenvironment, sediments, fauna and human migrations across Central Europe” dedicated to the 70th birthday anniversary of Prof. Adam Nadachowski (28 September 2020, Wrocław, Poland)
Due to the pandemic, it is impossible to hold conferences and meetings, especially international ones, in a conventional form to which we are all used to. This situation also affects INQUA-SEQS meeting in 2020. Nonetheless, we are eager to invite you to Poland next year (September 2021). We would also like to announce that we will organize an online meeting this year. Virtual meeting is scheduled for 28th of September 2020. The timetable will be given in September after participants’ registration. We are pleased to invite you to participate.
>Download Circular 1
>Download Registration Form
>Download Conference Programm
Meeting gallery
Information and photos about the conference on the Internet Wroclaw University
XX INQUA-SEQS 2019 Meeting: The Quaternary of Europe – stratigraphical perspectives and tools for correlations (25. – 31. July 2019, Dublin, Ireland)
Session Title: “The Quaternary of Europe: stratigraphical perspectives and tools for correlations”.
Description of Session: Across-Europe stratigraphical correlations is the first step for a full understanding of environmental changes in Europe during the Quaternary. However, the fragmentary nature of the stratigraphical records and the problems related to reliable dating techniques make correlations in terrestrial Quaternary systems problematic. The stratigraphical records involves integration of multiple proxies from a wide variety of terrestrial sediments over the whole of the period, and integration of these with the marine isotopic record of palaeoclimate. A Geographical-based summary of the main litho-, bio-, pedo-, morpho and chrono-stratigraphical data, such as databases, are fundamental for cross-border correlations, Quaternary mapping, climate changes reconstructions and natural hazards and related risks assessment. This session will discuss new data, correlation of proxies in time and space, and new methods and techniques for data comparisons, synthesis, mapping and sharing. The approaches used will be relevant for other continents. The outcome will be a contribution to SACCOM project 1612F.
Convenors and Co-convenors: Markus Fiebig (Convenor) Guzel Danukalova (Co-Convenor) Pierluigi Pieruccini (Co-Convenor)
Congress gallery
INQUA-SEQS 2018 Meeting: Quaternary Stratigraphy and Karst & Cave Sediments (11. – 17. September 2018, Postojna, Slovenia)
INQUA-SEQS 2017 Meeting: Quaternary stratigraphy and hominids around Europe (11 – 15th September 2017, Tautavel, France)
Downloads Registration form 1st Circular Abstract formats Payment information Fieldtrip: Caune de l’Arago, one of the most important Pleistocene site of Europe with the Musée de Préhistoire de Tautavel, Caves of Niaux and Ariege (prehistoric paintings), Quaternary alluvial terraces, tectonics and volcanism.
INQUA provides the possibility for limited financial support to the SEQS activity in 2017 related to DATESTRA Project (Database of Terrestrial European Stratigraphy). The support concerns only (a part of) travel-accommodation costs or registration costs and is primarily meant for Early Career Researcher (ECR, less than 8 years PhD) and Researchers from Countries with a low GDP.
If you want to make use of this opportunity for the 2017 meeting in Tautavel, France, you can ask for support by sending the application form to the Secretary of SEQS before 30 June 2017.
INQUA-SEQS 2016 Meeting: Bridging Europe and Asia: Quaternary stratigraphy and Paleolithic human occupation in Armenia and South Georgia (3 – 11th September 2016, Armenia)
Link to conference homepage:
XIX INQUA Congress 2015: Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization (27 July – 2 August, 2015, in Nagoya, Japan)
SEQS-Session at INQUA 2015 congress
Title: „Progress in European Quaternary Stratigraphy“
Outline: During the Quaternary the Earth was shaped by a changeful development of climate-driven processes. Especially since the Middle Pleistocene extensive glaciations on the Northern Hemisphere are constraint. On the base of lithostratigraphic, paleontologic and geo-chronologic evidence more and more glacial and periglacial features have been studied in detail. In this session examples from Europe should be presented but the focus is open for any investigation worldwide with relations to Quaternary Stratigraphy of Europe.
Conveners: Wim Westerhoff (NL), Guzel Danukalova (RUS) & Markus Fiebig (A)
SEQS-Meeting 2014: The Quaternary of the Urals: Global trends and Pan-European Quaternary records (10 – 15th September 2014, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Link to the 2014 Meeting website:
SEQS-Meeting 2013: Correlations of fluvial, eolian, deltaic and marine sequences (23 – 27th September 2013, GeoEcoMar in Constanta, Romania)
SEQS-Meeting 2012: Meeting in Sardinia, 26 – 30th September 2012, Italy
Visit the 2012 congress-website here.
The first circular is available here.
XVIII INQUA Congress 2011: Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization (20-27 July, 2011, in Bern, Switzerland)
SEQS-Session at INQUA 2011 congress
Title: “Pan-European correlations in Quaternary stratigraphy”
Sedimentary sequences and ages of rocks form the main issues studied by stratigraphers and by studying the Quaternary this has resulted in a wealth of detailed stratigraphical schemes. The development of Quaternary stratigraphy results for a large part from the extensive mapping of Quaternary deposits that has been carried out in most European countries during the last century. Simultaneously, the extent of Quaternary research increased considerably and provided a firm knowledge of geological processes, their time and scale with considerable application to the other geological fields. Particularly important is the correlation between marine and continental deposits because some of the former provide better chronological constrains and the possibility to widespread correlation.. Quaternary sciences have also contributed substantially to our understanding of the climates in the past and the impact of climate change on the Earth’s surface in a variety of depositional environments. Quaternary stratigraphy often demonstrates a great deal of detail at local and regional scales. Litho-, bio-, and chronostratigraphy and their admixtures form in many cases a starting point for interpretation and correlation. However, (geo)morphological characteristics and paleosoil sequences also play an important role in Quaternary stratigraphy.
Within the Section on Europe Quaternary Stratigraphy (SEQS) a long-lasting tradition exists to investigate and discuss Quaternary stratigraphical interpretations and correlations. In particular the attention is concentrated on the stratigraphical setting of classical Quaternary reference sites and sequences of Europe (type sequence and type sections). An important prerequisite is the integration of the results from various (sub)disciplines, like palynology, studies on small and large mammals, sedimentology, archaeology, neotectonics, absolute dating techniques, and the Marine Isotope Stages. In addition the correlation of European stratigraphical sequences to adjacent continents is also of particular interest.
We welcome contributions on Quaternary stratigraphy from newly investigated sequences and/or classical key-reference areas. Contributions may concern local or regional scales and attempts to cross-continental correlations. Information from the marine realm and terrestrial domains is welcomed. The session aims to discuss the pan-European correlations and encourage the presentation of multidisciplinary approaches.
Conveners: Mauro Coltorti (Italy), Wim Westerhoff (NL)
Other European Quaternary group meetings
Call for Papers and Posters for the EGU2016, 17-22 April, 2016 Vienna, Austria
For the session entitled: Soil in Cultural Landscape -The Future is in the Past: Insights from the Cultural Soil Archive SSS3.5
Soil is an excellent archive that documents and records the environmental landscape history. Today, the anthropogenetic impact on the landscape is immense. Studying history through examination of the soil archive enables us to explore the long-term impact of ancient human activities. This enables us to build prediction models for a more sustainable future.
You are invited to submit abstracts to lecture on the subject described above. The lectures should present case studies and/or research that examine landscape history through the soil archive. We invite both field-based or modeling studies. Results and conclusions from these studies should allow for the construction of better landscape management models in the future. read more
Abstract Submission Deadline:
1st of December for early career scientists and scientists from developing countries
13th of January,13:00 CET, general submission
Link: Abstract submission
Conveners Oren Ackermann Bernhard Lucke Pierluigi Pieruccini Tom Vanwalleghem
8th International Geochronology Summer School: Dating techniques in environmental research Date: 04 – 09 September 2016
Location: Bergün (Switzerland)
Topics to be covered in lectures, excursions and workshops include dating techniques such as numerical methods (radiocarbon, exposure dating with cosmogenic nuclides, OSL, 137Cs, 210Pb, etc.), dendrochronology, anthracology, archaeomagnetic dating, as well as relative methods like soil weathering and Schmidt-hammer technique. See also attached flyer.
List of Lecturers: H. Gärtner (WSL), D. Brandová (Univ. Zurich), P. Cherubini (WSL), M. Egli (Univ. of Zurich), S. Ivy-Ochs (ETH Zurich/Uni Zurich), I. Hajdas (ETH Zurich), D. Dahms (Univ. Northern Iowa). E. Eckmeier (LMU University of Munich), R. Kipfer (EAWAG), E. Tema (Univ. of Torino), S. Lowick (Univ. of Bern), S. Priori (CRA-ABP, Firenze), N. Dubois (EAWAG), K. Hanselmann (ETH Zurich).
The Summer School is open to young researchers (PhD students and Post-Docs) worldwide. Participation is competitive and will be limited to a maximum of 20. The registration fee (720 CHF) includes accommodation (room sharing required), half board and lunch, field trips and teaching material.
Link: Download PDF
The Vth International Conference on Mammoths and their relatives. 30 August – 4 September 2010
Organisers: The Congress will be held in Le Puy-en-Velay, Haute-Loire, France, from 30 August to 4 September 2010. It will be hosted by the Département de Haute-Loire and the city of Le Puy-en-Velay.
The first circular is available here.
For meetings of national groups please see their respective websites on the Links page.